Built in data models

Camelot comes with a number of built in data models. To avoid boiler plate models needed in almost any application (like Persons, Addresses, etc.), the developer is encouraged to use these data models as a start for developing custom applications.


The camelot.model module contains a number of submodules, each with a specific purpose

To activate such a submodule, the submodule should be imported in the setup_model method of settings class, before the tables are created

def setup_model( self ):
    from camelot.core.sql import metadata
    metadata.bind = self.ENGINE()
    from camelot.model import authentication
    from camelot.model import party
    from camelot.model import i18n
    from camelot.core.orm import setup_all
    setup_all( create_tables=True )

Persons and Organizations




Batch Jobs

A batch job object can be used as a context manager :

        from camelot.model.batch_job import BatchJob, BatchJobType
        synchronize = BatchJobType.get_or_create( u'Synchronize' )
        with BatchJob.create( synchronize ) as batch_job:
            batch_job.add_strings_to_message( [ u'Synchronize part A',
                                                u'Synchronize part B' ] )
            batch_job.add_strings_to_message( [ u'Done' ], color = 'green' )

Whenever an exception happens inside the with block, the stack trace of this exception will be written to the bach job object and it’s status will be set to errors. At the end of the with block, the status of the batch job will be set to finished.

History tracking


Adding fields

Sometimes the built in models don’t have all the fields or relations required for a specific application. Fortunately it is possible to add fields to an existing model on a per application base.

To do so, simply assign the required fields in the application specific model definition, before the tables are created.

        party.Person.language = schema.Column( types.Unicode(30) )
        p = party.Person( first_name = u'Peter', 
                          last_name = u'Principle', 
                          language = u'English' )

Project Versions

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