Development Guidlines

Date:May 28, 2013

Python, PyQt and Qt objects

Python and Qt both have their own way of tracking objects and deleting them when they are no longer needed :

  • Python does reference counting supported by a garbage collector.
  • Qt has parent child relations between objects. When a parent object is deleted, all its child objects are deleted as well.

PyQt merges these two concepts by introducing ownership of objects :

  • Pure python objects are owned by Python, Python takes care of their deletion.
  • Qt objects wrapped by Python are either:
    • owned by Qt when they have a parent object, Qt will delete them, when their parent object is deleted
    • owned by Python when they have no parent, Python will delete them, and trigger the deletion of all their children by Qt
  • Qt objects that are not wrapped by Python, those are in one way or another children of a Qt object that is wrapped by Python, they will get deleted by Qt.

The difficult case in this scheme is the case where Qt objects are wrapped by Python but have a parent object. This can happen in two ways :

  • A Qt object is created in python, but with a parent

    from PyQt4 import QtCore
    parent = QtCore.QObject()
    child = QtCore.QObject(parent=parent)

    In this case PyQt is able to track when the object is deleted by Qt and raises exceptions accordingly when a method of underlying Qt object is called after the deletion

    parent = QtCore.QObject()
    child = QtCore.QObject(parent=parent)
    del parent
    print child.objectName()

    will raise a RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted.

  • A Qt object is returned from a Qt function that created the object without Python being aware of it. When the object is passed as a return value PyQt will wrap it as a Python object, but is unable to track when Qt deletes it

    from PyQt4 import QtGui
    app = QtGui.QApplication([])
    window = QtGui.QMainWindow()
    statusbar = window.statusBar()
    del window

    Will result in a segmentation fault.

A segmentation fault will happen in several cases :

  • Python tries to delete a Qt object already deleted by Qt
  • PyQt calls a function of a Qt object already deleted
  • Qt calls a function of a Qt object already deleted by Python

In principle, PyQt is able to handle all cases where the object has been created by Python. However, when this ownership tracking is combined with threading and signal slot connections, a lot of corner cases arise in both Qt and PyQt.

To play on safe, these guidelines are used when developing Camelot :

  • Never keep a reference to objects created by Qt having a parent, so only use:

  • Keep references to Qt child objects as short as possible, and never beyond the scope of a method call. This is possible because qt allows objects to have a name.

    so instead of doing

    from PyQt4 import QtGui
    class Parent( QtGui.QWidget ):
            def __init__( self ):
                    super(Parent, self).__init__()
                    self._child = QtGui.QLabel( parent=self )
            def do_something( self ):
                    print self._child.objectName()

    this is done

    from PyQt4 import QtGui
    class Parent( QtGui.QWidget ):
            def __init__( self ):
                    super(Parent, self).__init__()
                    child = QtGui.QLabel( parent=self )
                    child.setObjectName( 'label' )
            def do_something( self ):
                child = self.findChild( QtGui.QWidget, 'label' )
                if child != None:
                            print child.objectName()

    should the child object have been deleted by Qt, the findChild method will return None, and a segmentation fault is prevented. An explicit check for None is needed, since even if the widget exists, it might evaluate to 0 or an empty string.

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